Louisiana Law Review
Medical personnel -- Malpractice -- Law & legislation, Medicine -- Formulae; receipts; prescriptions, Compensation (Law), Louisiana. Supreme Court, Medical personnel -- Malpractice -- Louisiana, Summary judgments -- Louisiana, Expert evidence -- Louisiana
The article discusses the Louisiana Supreme Court's decision in case Oliver v. Magnolia Clinic, and explores developments in Louisiana medical malpractice law related to prescription, expert witnesses and summary judgment. Topics discussed include damages for medical malpractice actions under the Medical Malpractice Act (MMA), the prescriptive period applicable to medical malpractice actions under the Louisiana Revised Statutes, and the Patient's Compensation Fund (PCF).
Repository Citation
Natalie J. Dekaris and Michael C. Mims,
Recent Developments: Louisiana Medical Malpractice Law,
74 La. L. Rev.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol74/iss3/12