Louisiana Law Review
Volume 56, Number 2
The Romanist Tradition in Louisiana: Legislation, Jurisprudence, and Doctrine: A Symposium
Winter 1996
An Introduction to "The Romanist Tradition in Louisiana": One Day in the Life of Louisiana Law
Symeon Symeonides
Roman Sources and Constitutional Mandates: The Alpha and Omega of Louisiana Laws on Concubinage and Natural Children
Kathryn Venturatos Lorio
Contra Non Valentem
Douglas Nichols
The Origins and Authors of the Code Noir
Vernon Valentine Palmer
Roman Roots of the Louisiana Law of Slavery: Emancipation in American Louisiana, 1803-1857
Judith Kelleher Schafer
The Case of Natural Obligations
David V. Snyder
Ryall v. Rolle and the Civilian Tradition
W. J. Zwalve
The Ethics of Negotiations: Are There Any?
Michael H. Rubin
The Louisiana Trespass Action: A "Real" Problem
Melissa Morris Cresson