Louisiana Law Review
Volume 37, Number 5
Summer 1977
Front Matter
Partially Secured Creditors: Their Rights and Remedies Under Chapter XI of the Bankruptcy Act
John C. Anderson
Forum Juridicum: Bartolus of Sassoferrato
Augusto P. Miceli
Edward Livingston and American Penology
Ginger Roberts
The Validity of Criminal Presumptions in Louisiana
Timothy Jonathan Bradley
Land Occupiers' Liability - The Duty of Reasonable Care to All
Howard Daigle Jr.
The Public Records Doctrine and Disguised Donations Omnium Bonorum: Third Parties Prevail
Patrick Wise Gray
Attorney Disqualification at the Grand Jury
Robert Bruce Macmurdo
Materiality Under the Anti-Fraud Provisions of the Federal Securities Acts: How Much Disclosure?
Kim Gregory Mayhall
The Use of a Witness's Privilege for the Benefit of a Defendant
Roy Achille Mongrue Jr.
Louisiana's Retail Sales Tax and the Reprocessing Exclusion
Thomas M. McNamara
Oral Argument - A New Constitutional Right?
John C. Pickels
Standards of Review: A Solution to the Potential Problems of the 1976 Amendment of the Federal Magistrates Act?
Sera H. Russell III
Incidents to Redhibitory Actions Under Civil Code Article 2531
John Miller Shuey Jr.
Ensuring Effective Assistance of Counsel for the Criminal Co-Defendant
Kathleen K. Stewart