Louisiana Law Review
Volume 58, Number 1
Fall 1997
Front Matter
The Vocabulary of Negligence Law: Continuing Causation Confusion
David W. Robertson
Cats or Gardens: Which Metaphor Explains Negligence? Or, Is Simplicity Simpler Than Flexibility?
Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Judicial Lawmaking in a Code Jurisdiction: A French Saga on Certainty of Price in Contract Law
Edward A. Tomlinson
Express Federal Preemption Provisions, State Law Actions for Damages, Congress, and the Supreme Court: A Penitent Seeks Redemption
David E. Seidelson
The Contribution Bar in CERCLA Settlements and Its Effect on the Liability of Nonsettlors
J. Whitney Pesnell
Recovery for Increased Risk of Disease in Louisiana
Keith W. Lapeze
What You Earn is Yours, but You are Jointly and Severally Liable for His: A Proportionate Liability Proposal for Federal Income Taxes
John Allain Viator