Mineral Law Institute | Louisiana State University Law Center Research | LSU Law Digital Commons

Director: Keith B. Hall

The Louisiana Mineral Law Institute was created in 1953 as an annual continuing legal education program. The goal of the Institute is to promote an understanding of Louisiana mineral law and facilitate its development through educational activities. In addition to consideration of important developments in the law of oil and gas at the annual program, the Mineral Law Institute sponsors other continuing education programs at the Law Center and cooperates with energy related research and educational programs at Louisiana State University. Projects of the Mineral Law Institute presently being implemented include a collaborative Louisiana Mineral Law Treatise, publication of a periodic Louisiana Mineral Law Newsletter, publication of the proceedings of recent Mineral Law Institute programs, and sponsorship of student scholarships for mineral law studies. The planning and activities of the Mineral Law Institute are supported by Mineral Law Institute Council comprised of leading members of the oil and gas legal community of Louisiana and of other producing states.


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Annual Institute on Mineral Law