Hans Kuehne, (center) one of 23 I. G. Farben officials brought to trial at Nurnberg for war crimes he allegedly participated in, confers with Dr. Herbert Nath (left) of Fesslerhof, Chiemsee, counsel for the defendant Max Ilgner and Dr. Erna Kroen of Leverkussen (right), assistant counsel for Kuehne. Dr. Kroen is the only woman to appear thus far as a defense counsel in the Nurnberg proceedings. In the government's case against Farben, the U. S. prosecution has charged the industrialists with knowing that the military might that they were helping Hitler prepare would be used in wars of conquest, and the mistreatment of foreign nationals as slave laborers in Farben plants.
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Nuremberg, War Crime Trials, War Crimes, Lawyers, Judicial proceedings