GUSTAV PISTOR, retired I.G.Farben director, takes the witness stand at a commission hearing at Nurnberg on April 20, 1948 in defense of Farben director Ernst Buergin, on trial as a war criminal. Buergin, who directed Farben's production of light metals, was indicted on war crimes charges along with 23 other leading Farben officials. Pistor stated that in 1934 he supervised the construction of factories to produce magnesium to be used mainly in the automotive industry. Under the prosecutions' cross-examination, Pistor revealed that the operation was a secret one, and that negotiations were made with the German High Command to produce the metal to be used in war planes and equipment. Pistor further disclosed that in 1935 Farben was already stockpiling incendiary bombs for the air force.
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Nuremberg, War Crime Trials, War Crimes, Chemical Industry, Industrial trusts, Actions & defenses, Defense industry, Defense contracts, Military policy