Currently, in Spanish Law, civil status is a concept under discussion in regard to its definition, its content, the enumeration of possible civil statuses, and even its very subsistence as a category. The processing given to civil status in the corresponding Laws of the Civil Registry is especially important as precisely this Registry has the main, although not sole, objective to officially verify the “acts” or “facts concerning the civil status of persons,” although other legal facts, which are not classifiable as such, are also recorded. The interdependence of both concepts means that it is advisable to have combined treatment of both as regards this theme. The Law 20/2011, of July 21, on the Civil Registry (LCR 2011), has entailed a substantial change of structure and management regarding these matters. Besides, there are several de facto situations that can have an entry in the new system which cause the concept of civil status lose its identity, and perhaps, its utility.
Repository Citation
Sofia de Salas Murillo,
Civil Status and Civil Registry: Current Trends in Spanish Law,
7 J. Civ. L. Stud.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/jcls/vol7/iss1/4