Submission Guidelines and Ethics Statement
Submission Guidelines
The JCLS welcomes submissions for Articles, Notes, Comments, Essays, Book Reviews, and General Information. Unless otherwise agreed, contributions should not have been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. All contributions will be subject to a critical review by the Editors, and will be subjected to peer-review.
- Articles: Section open to professors, members of the judiciary, and practicing attorneys. An article should address substantive legal scholarship.
- Notes: Section open to professors, members of the judiciary, and practicing attorneys. A note should analyze recent developments in case law or legislation.
- Essays: Section open to LSU law students. An essay should address substantive legal scholarship.
- Comments: Section open to LSU law students. A comment should analyze recent developments in case law or legislation.
- Book Reviews: A critical note in which law books will be analyzed based on content, style, and merit.
- General Information: Announcements and reviews of academic events.
Contributions should be submitted preferably in English, but are accepted in French and Spanish (with an abstract in English), and ideally should not exceed 25 pages in length.
Contributions must be submitted by electronic mail to
Click the following link to access the Full Format Guidelines
Hard copies will not be accepted unless accompanied with an electronic copy.
Authors hold the copyright to their contribution. However, they should notify the JCLS of any project of republication, and credit the previous publication in the JCLS.
Articles and Essays should include a 350 word informative abstract (including objectives, methods, and conclusions). The abstract must appear at the beginning of the contribution, and will be published together with it.
Authors may supply translations of their contributions, to be published in the JCLS or on the JCLS website.
Click the following link to access the Full Format Guidelines
The text of the contributions should be kept as plain as possible in order to facilitate the conversion process of the Editors. Additional materials such as illustrations, graphs etc. may be sent in separate electronic documents, as agreed upon with the Editors.
Notes and References
The JCLS encourages the use of A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed. 2005) "The Bluebook" for U.S. materials. Foreign materials should be cited according to standard practice in the country of origin. Consistency in both presentation and citation is of the utmost importance.
Notes, references, and quotations must be checked by the author of the contribution before submitting the paper to the JCLS.
Contributions should include footnotes (rather than endnotes).
Book Reviews
Books for review should be mailed to:
LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center
1 East Campus Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-0106
United States
Ethics Statement
The JCLS joins ongoing efforts to enhance ethics and to deter malpractice in the academic environment. Its Ethics and Malpractice Statement addresses the following points:
- Editorial Board
- The JCLS has an Editorial Board that consists of world-recognized experts in the field of civil law and comparative law. The names and affiliation of all editors is shared with its readership.
- The JCLS shares all necessary Contact Information with its readership.
- Authors Responsibilities
- The JCLS charges no fees for manuscript processing and publishing.
- Authors are informed and must agree with the double-blind peer-review process followed by the JCLS.
- The JCLS publishes contributions in which all authors have contributed to the research and have mentioned their sources, while acknowledging financial support, when applicable.
- The JCLS demands that authors provide the necessary corrections of mistakes.
- The JCLS does not welcome republication of research that has been previously published in another journal or monograph, unless such previous publication is clearly stated in the star-footnote of the contribution.
- Peer-Review Process
- All articles published in the JCLS are subject to a double-blind peer-review process.
- The JCLS seeks for advice from expert reviewers in the field of civil law and comparative law.
- Reviewers complete an evaluation form in which they offer objective feedback; and are invited to point to relevant works that might not be included in the articles subject to review.
- Reviewers have no conflict of interests since the JCLS follows a blind peer-review process in which articles are treated confidentially. Reviewers should recuse themselves in the event they recognize the article as the work of a colleague or of a former student they have helped in the process of writing the article.
- Publication Ethics
- The JCLS advocates against misconduct. It assesses all information that is approached to its Editorial Board in regard to potential misconduct and devotes efforts to prevent the publication of contributions in which misconduct occurred.
- In order to avoid unacknowledged double publication, authors are asked to certify that their submission is for first publication or, if it is not the case, to disclose first publication in English or any other language.
- Authors should inform the JCLS of corrections that need to be communicated to its readership; and that information will be made available in further volumes.
- Copyright and Access
- The JCLS discloses copyright aspects to its authors and readership.
- Authors hold the copyright to their contributions.
- The JCLS is an open access journal, in which access is free of cost and does not require subscription.
- Archiving
- The JCLS holds an open access archive of all previous volumes.
- The JCLS offers permanent links (permalinks) for the online references of the contributions it publishes.
- Management and Website
- The JCLS is published and managed by the Center of Civil Law Studies of the Louisiana State University Paul M. Hébert Law Center.
- The JCLS is available to its readership by means of its official website.
- Publishing Schedule
- The JCLS publishes one volume every calendar year. These volumes can consist of one or two issues.