Submissions from 2024
The Innocence Standard: Supreme Court Nominees and Sexual Misconduct, Lisa Avalos
The Once and Future Clean Air Act: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on EPA's Regulatory Authority, Nicholas Bryner
Liking, Linking, and Tweeting: Mental Health, Mentoring, and Professional Responsibility in the Age of Social Media, Summer Chandler
The Case for Waivable Employee Rights: A Contrarian View, William Corbett
Louisiana Civil Code Commentary: Articles 1 through 13, Nikolaos A. Davrados and Olivier Moréteau
The Medical/Legal/Human Disconnect in Cure Cases: A Proposal for Reform, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Local Government Regulation of CCS, Keith B. Hall
Louisiana Law of Contracts and Quasi-Contracts: A Précis, Alain A. Levasseur and Nikolaos A. Davrados
Louisiana Law of Obligations in General: A Précis, Alain A. Levasseur and Nikolaos A. Davrados
Judicial Fidelity, Caprice L. Roberts
The Empirics of Criminal Federalism, Scott Sullivan and Iben Sullivan
Submissions from 2023
Equity and Inclusion as Unifying Principles, Alena M. Allen
Seeking Consent and the Law of Sexual Assault, Lisa Avalos
The Under-Enforcement of Crimes Against Black Women, Lisa Avalos
Rotting Under the Bridge - How False Data is Polluting Administrative Rulemaking, Nicholas Bryner and Victor B. Flatt
Louisiana Civil Jury Instruction Companion Handbook, Andrea B. Carroll
Sales Free and Clear of an Intellectual Property Licensee's Interests in Bankruptcy -- Looking to In Re Tempnology for Guidance, Summer Chandler
Reasonably Accommodating Employment Discrimination Law, William Corbett
The Case in Favor of Waivable Employee Rights: A Contrarian View, William Corbett
Labor-Management Relations: Strikes, Lockouts and Boycotts, William Corbett, Douglas E. Ray, and Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Restating the Civil Law of Quasi-Contract: Negotiorum Gestio and Unjust Enrichment, Nikolaos A. Davrados
Continued Conflation Confusion in Louisiana Negligence Cases: Duty and Breach, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Sieracki Lives: A Portrait of the Interplay Between Legislation and the Judicially Created General Maritime Law, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
The Medical/Legal/Human Disconnect in Cure Cases: A Proposal for Reform, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Carbon Capture and Storage: Models for Compensating Holdout Landowners, Keith B. Hall
Reconciling Property Rights with Carbon Capture and Storage, Keith B. Hall
Louisiana Children's Code Handbook, Jack Harrison
Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials, Lee Ann Lockridge, Mary LaFrance, and Gary Myers
Personal Genome Medicine: The Legal and Regulatory Transformation of US Medicine, Michael J. Malinowski
Cueto-Rúa’s Judicial Methods of Interpretation of the Law: A Guide for the Future, Olivier Moréteau
The Educated Retail Investor: A Response to "Regulating Democratized Investing", Christina M. Sautter and Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci
Submissions from 2022
Never Look Back: Non-Regression in Environmental Law, Nicholas S. Bryner
The Importance of Looking Under the 'Administrative Hood': A Case Study of the National Waters Protection Rule, Nicholas S. Bryner and Victor Byers Flatt
Cross-Statute Employment Discrimination Claims and the Need for a "Super Statute", William R. Corbett
Legal Uncertainties: COVID-19, Distance Learning, Bar Exams, and the Future of U.S. Legal Education, Christine Corcos
Growing Up with Popular Culture in The Time of Title IX, Christine A. Corcos
Helpless by Law: Enduring Lessons from a Century-Old Tragedy, Raymond T. Diamond and Robert J. Cottrol
Admiralty in a Nutshell, Thomas C. Galligan Jr., Frank L. Maraist, Dean A. Sutherland, and Sara B. Kuebel
Cases and Materials on Maritime Law, Thomas C. Galligan Jr., Frank L. Maraist, Dean Sutherland, and Sarah Kuebel
Louisiana Oil & Gas Update, Keith B. Hall
The Law of Oil and Gas: Cases and Materials, Keith B. Hall, Patrick H. Martin, Bruce M. Kramer, Tara K. Righetti, and Joseph A. Schremmer
Louisiana Legislative Law and Procedure Companion Handbook, P. Raymond Lamonica and Jerry G. Jones
Louisiana Criminal Jury Instructions and Procedures Companion Handbook, P. Raymond Lamonica and Cheney C. Joseph Jr.
The Louisiana Civil Code: A Vademecum, Alain A. Levasseur
Multicultural Populations and Mixed Legal Systems in the United States: Louisiana and Puerto Rico, Olivier Moréteau and Luis Muniz Arguelles
Comparative Perspectives on Law and Language, Olivier Moreteau and Agustín Parise
Interactive Citation Workbook for The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, Tracy L.M. Norton
Statutory Interpretation and Agency Disgorgement Power, Caprice L. Roberts
The Corporate Forum, Christina M. Sautter and Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci
Submissions from 2021
Louisiana Law of Successions and Donations, A Precis, Elizabeth Carter
The Elusive Zone of Twilight, Michael Coenen and Scott M. Sullivan
Firing Employment at Will and Discharging Termination Claims from Employment Discrimination: A Cooperative Federalism Approach to Improve Employment Law, William Corbett
Intolerable Asymmetry and Uncertainty: Congress Should Right the Wrongs of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, William R. Corbett
Even the Slightest: Causation in Fela and Jones Act Cases, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
The “Nature” of Seaman Status After Sanchez, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
There Are More Things to Punitive Damages in Admiralty Than the 1:1 Ratio Set Forth in Exxon’s Legal Philosophy, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Louisiana Oil & Gas Update, Keith B. Hall
Portalis and Pound: A Debate on “Codification”, Alain A. Levasseur
Corporate Governance Gaming: The Collective Power of Retail Investors, Christina M. Sautter and Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci
Sexual Misconduct by Louisiana Lawyers, N. Gregory Smith
The Impact of Municipal Fiscal Crisis on Equitable Development, Christopher J. Tyson
Beyond Lipstick and High Heels: Three Tell-Tale Narratives of Female Leadership in the United States, Italy, and Japan, Lécia Vicente
Submissions from 2020
Reversing the Decriminalization of Sexual Violence, Lisa Avalos
The Green New Deal and Green Transitions, Nicholas Bryner
Fiduciary Litigation in Louisiana: Mandataries, Succession Representatives, and Trustees, Elizabeth R. Carter
Explorations with Charlie Sullivan: Theorizing a Different Universe of Employment Discrimination, William Corbett
"You're Fired!": The Common Law Should Respond with the Refashioned Tort of Abusive Discharge, William R. Corbett
SRTMA: Reappraising the BP Well Blowout in Light of Pippen, Theriot, Doiron, and Grubart, John J. Costonis
A Cypress is Gone, Thomas C. Galligan
Let the Jury Decide! A Plea for the Proper Allocation of Decision-Making Authority in Louisiana Negligence Cases, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
LHWCA Section 905(b) and Scindia: The Confused Tale of a Legal Pendulum, Thomas C. Galligan and Brian C. Colomb
Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities in the United States, Keith B. Hall
Ruminations on the Continuing Evolution of Trespass Law in the Context of Mineral Development, Keith B. Hall
Engaging Students in Systemic Change: The Role of LouisianaLaw School Clinics in the State’s Criminal Justice ReformMovement, Robert Lancaster and Maris Mattes
Introduction to Robert A. Pascal’s Memorandum: The Code as a Textbook and a Rule Book, Olivier Moréteau and Robert A. Pascal
Trilingual Louisiana Civil Code, Book IV: Conflict of Laws in English, French, and Spanish, Olivier Moréteau and Mariano Vitetta
A Historical Review of the State Police Powers and Their Relevance to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020, Edward P. Richards
Delaware as Deal Arbiter, Christina M. Sautter
Transaction Cost Economics & MAEs: The Dealmaker's Crystal Ball, Christina M. Sautter
Balancing Principles in Judicial Adjudication: The Gaps of Rationality in the Conviction of Illegal Immigrants, Lécia Vicente
Submissions from 2019
Are Premarital Agreements Really Unfair?: An Empirical Study, Elizabeth Carter
Law and Norms and Will & Grace, Christine Corcos
The BP MDL and Its Aftermath: Whither OPA's Displacement Jurisprudence?, John Costonis
Deaning Redux -- Walking it Back, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
The Structure of Torts, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
An International Comparison of the Operatorship Provisions Contained in Model Form Oil & Gas Joint Operating Agreements, Keith B. Hall
Implied Covenants and the Drafting of Oil and Gas Leases, Keith B. Hall
The Words of Comparative Law, Olivier Moréteau
Submissions from 2018
In Memoriam: Professor A.N. Yiannopoulos, Elizabeth R. Carter
Characterizing Constitutional Inputs, Michael Coenen
Breaking Dichotomies at the Core of Employment Discrimination Law, William Corbett
Finding a Better Way Around Employment at Will: Protecting Employees' Autonomy Interests Through Tort Law, William Corbett
It All Started with Columbo: Teaching Law with Popular Culture, Christine Corcos
It's the Ambiance, Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials, Lee Ann Lockridge, Mary LaFrance, Gary Myers, and David L. Lange
Biting the Hands that Feed “the Alligators”: A Case Study in Morbid Obesity Extremes, End-of-Life Care, and Prohibitions on Harming and Accelerating the End of Life, Michael J. Malinowski
The U.S. Science and Technology “Triple Threat”: A Regulatory Treatment Plan for the Nation’s Addiction to Prescription Opioids, Michael J. Malinowski
The Hurricane Katrina Litigation Against the Corps of Engineers: Is Denial of Geology and Climate Change the Way to Save New Orleans?, Edward P. Richards
The Societal Impacts of Climate Anomalies During the Past 50,000 Years and their Implications for Solastalgia and Adaptation to Future Climate Change, Edward P. Richards
Submissions from 2017
Family Law and Female Empowerment, Andrea B. Carroll