
Walter Duerrfeld, Director and Construction Manager of the Auschwitz Plant of Farben and the Monowitz Concentration camp, and chief engineer of the Leuna Plant, shown as he pleaded not guilty to charges filed against him in the indictment served twenty-four former officials of the huge German cartel. Other defendants in the sweeping picture of the dock of the of the main court at Nurnberg include, front row, left to right: Krauch, Schmitz, von Schnitzler, Gajewski, Hoerlein, von Knieriem, Ter Meer, Schneider, Ambros, Buergin and Buetefisch. In rear, same order are Haefliger, Ilgner, Jaehne, J[K]uehne, Mann, Oster, Duerrfeld, Gattineau, von der Heyde and Kluger. Absent from the court but also indicted were Brueggemann, Wurster, and Lautenschlager. Photo 14 August 47
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Nuremberg, War Crime Trials, War Crimes, Slave labor, War destruction & pillage, Judicial proceedings, Auschwitz, Concentration camps