![Journal of Civil Law Studies](/assets/md5images/fd7ffd11a3705f86599bf307359416c5.png)
Volume 11, Number 2 (2018)
Front Matter
Alchemistic Metaphors in Comparative Law: Mixed Legal Systems, Reception of Laws and Legal Transplants
Andreas Rahmatian
A Controversial Transplant? Debate over the Adaptation of the Napoleonic Code on the Polish Territories in the Early 19th Century
Michał Gałędek and Anna Klimaszewska
Economic Analysis of the Interaction Between National Legal Systems: A Contribution to the Understanding of Legal Diversity and Legal Unity
Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas
Data Ownership—A Property Rights Approach from a European Perspective
Andreas Boerding, Nicolai Culik, Christian Doepke, Thomas Hoeren, Tim Juelicher, Charlotte Roettgen, and Max V. Schoenfeld
Civil Law in the World
Italy - The New Italian Regime for Healthcare Liability and the Role of Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Dialogue Among Legal Formants
Laura Maria Franciosi
Civil Law in Louisiana
McGraw v. City of New Orleans
Marcus D. Sandifer
The State of Louisiana and the Vermilion Parish School Board v. Louisiana Land and Exploration Company
Kadence Haskett
Rediscovered Treasures of Louisiana Law
Introductory Essay to the Translation of the Discourso Preliminar of Pérez y López’s Teatro
John W. Cairns
Translation of the Preliminary Discourse to the Teatro de la legislación universal de España e Indias
H. Barlow Holley