Volume 12, Number 1 (2019)
Front Matter
From La Beauce to Le Bayou: A Transsystemic Voyage
Rosalie Jukier
French Jurisdictional Complexity on the Fringe— Acadia 1667-1710
Jacques Vanderlinden
Developing the Civil Law of Incorporeal Things
Ricardo Bethencourt and Aniceto Masferrer
Civil Law Translation
Louisiana Civil Code - Code civil de Louisiane Book III, Titles 23–24 - Livre III, Titres 23–24
Center of Civil Law Studies
Civil Law in Louisiana
Star Financial Services, Inc. v. Cardtronics USA, Inc.
Nancy A. Maurice
Hazing Laws in Louisiana: Criminal Penalty Masquerading Under the Guise of Punitive Damages
Brittney Esie