Volume 6, Number 1 (2013)
Front Matter
Scalia & Garner’s Reading Law: A Civil Law for the Age of Statutes?
James R. Maxeiner
Cyprus as a Mixed Legal System
Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Semantics and Legal Interpretation: A Comparative Study of the Value of Embryonic Life under Argentine and U.S. Constitutional Law
María del Pilar Zambrano and Estela B. Sacristán
Transfer of Immovable and Systems of Publicity in the Western World: An Economical Approach
Luz M. Martínez Velencoso
Filling the Gaps: The Value of the Common Law Approach to Gross Negligence and Punitive Damages
Justin Ward
Civil Law in the World
Québec’s Partnership: Une Société Distincte
Alexandra Popovici
Spanish Law in 2010-2012: The influence of European Union Law and the Impact of the Economic Crisis
Juana Marco Molina
Civil Law in Louisiana
Horton v. Browne
Brian Flanagan
Peña v. Simeon
William Gaskins
McCarthy v. Entergy Gulf States
Leigh G. Hill
Broussard v. Rogers
Aster Lee
Delaney v. McCoy
Claire Murray
Short v. Short
Taheera S. Randolph
Petrie v. Michetti
Morgan Romero
Hoover Tree Farm v. Goodrich Petroleum
Marion P. Roy III
Andrus v Hillman
Ross Tuminello